Todd BenDor discussed “Open Science & Data Management at the Odum Institute,” and presented on the UNC Dataverse and how it supports the Odum Institute’s values of open science and FAIR Principles. The Odum Institute is a research service organization at UNC that aims to foster groundbreaking social research that improves the lives of people in North Carolina and around the world. The team at Odum works across campus to advance rigorous and reproducible research across the data, social, and health sciences, while building collaborative, trans-disciplinary research networks. The Odum team collaborates with researchers across the entire data lifecycle to plan, collect, analyze, manage and disseminate their findings, while upholding open science and FAIR principles, through a partnership with Dataverse Community Consortium. Dataverse is a framework for managing the dissemination of research data, and the UNC Dataverse instance complies with FAIR principles and allows researchers to share and preserve their data. The back-end of UNC Dataverse has a large number of features including application program interfaces, which gives researchers the opportunity to stream their data to other servers in order to visualize it. The front-end of UNC Dataverse, which can support smaller Dataverse instances for individual projects and research groups, allows researchers to access a data citation with a freshly minted data object identifier (DOI), a robust metadata for discoverability, versioning and custom Terms of Use, and a file list with download and explore features. BenDor ended his talk by sharing the three versions of UNC Dataverse curation services available based on the needs of researchers: self-service (researcher-led data ingest), mediated service (archivist-assisted data ingest), and lifecycle service (archivist-led data ingest).
Click here to view the talk on YouTube.
Todd BenDor, Director
Department: Odum Institute for Research in Social Science | Faculty Profile
Featured on: July 28, 2022 (Event Page)
Session Title: Data Science: Zero-to-Sixty (Event Recap)
Tools, Information, and Resources:
- Odum Institute for Research in Social Science: Founded in 1924, the Odum Institute supports the social science teaching and research mission at UNC. We provide a range of consulting services on quantitative and qualitative methods, GIS and spatial analysis, survey research and data management.
- UNC Dataverse: The Odum Institutes manages and provides access to the UNC Dataverse repository to enable individual scientists, research teams, scholarly journals, and other members of the research community to archive and publish their own datasets.
- Global Dataverse Community Consortium: The Global Dataverse Community Consortium (GDCC) is dedicated to providing international organization to existing Dataverse community efforts, and will provide a collaborative venue for institutions to leverage economies of scale in support of Dataverse repositories around the world.