Iheoma Iruka presented, “Monitoring Progress on the Black Child National Agenda,” and shared an overview of the work done by the Equity Child Research Coalition at the UNC FPG Child Development Institute. The Coalition focuses on co-constructing actionable research and evaluation with practitioners and policymakers to support the optimal development of Black children prenatally through childhood, and works at the intersection of research, program, and practice through anti-racist and cultural wealth frameworks. Iruka shared the overarching goals of the Coalition, which are to perform systematic early childhood research and evaluation, to develop actionable and equitable policies to eradicate the impact of racism, and to support the development of diverse emerging mentorship, training, and communications efforts.She expanded on the current lens of the “Black Child National Agenda,” which outlines 10 policies that address the need for data in identifying progress and gaps in programs that support black children at the national level. Iruka ended her talk by passing the baton to speaker Milton Suggs, who expanded on this topic in his talk, “Data Toward Equity & the Black Child National Agenda.”
Iheoma Iruka, Research Professor, Department of Public Policy; Fellow at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG); and Founding Director of the Equity Research Action Coalition at FPG (the Coalition)
Department: | Faculty Profile
Featured on: March 24, 2022 (Event Page)
Session Title: Transforming Youth Advocacy (Event Recap)
Tools, Information, and Resources:
- QuantCrit: education, policy, ‘Big Data’ and principles for a critical race theory of statistics: Quantitative research enjoys heightened esteem among policy-makers, media, and the general public. Whereas qualitative research is frequently dismissed as subjective and impressionistic, statistics are often assumed to be objective and factual. The paper’s authors argue that these distinctions are wholly false; quantitative data is no less socially constructed than any other form of research material.